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PGA 2000 and Linux (Ubuntu, specifically)

Posted: April 16th, 2012, 1:06 pm
by Anguis
Hi, folks,

I'm new here - thanks for a great website/resource. It's been fun getting to know this game (new to me). The ".OCX" thread helped a lot.
After getting PGA2000 running on my netbook, I turned to trying to get it going on my Ubuntu laptop, under Wine. Everything looks like it's installed, but running the game results in nothing. Does any of you have any experience with this (I did a search and found only one other post re. Linux)? Any pointers would be appreciated.



Re: PGA 2000 and Linux (Ubuntu, specifically)

Posted: November 22nd, 2013, 7:18 pm
by Diguelo
If your wanting to run PGA under Ubuntu youll have to do it using the latest version of WINE. Get your Ubuntu installation up to date first, then install WINE and reboot, then run the installer out of the menu and wait for it to complete. You will get an ID50 codec missing error on the startup, sometimes this causes a crash other times it just plays sound, depends mainly on what system you have running. AMD is a one socket fits all system to have it on, INTEL, best of luck with that, its based round windows, likes windows and crashes because its programmed too if its not windows.

The new set of AMD Bulldozer 6 or 8 core out perform anything Intel throw out there and they know it. Microsoft have gone over to the lets make the whole thing mobile side of the fence since Bill Gates left and now well, one look at Windows 8 was enough to convince me Ubuntu will be the new OS for the Future. Linux Red Hat is dying a death of a thousand knives, but its nice to see someone trying out Ubuntu, personally my ubuntu is set up and running alongside windows as a server for my business as its way more stable and easier to work with.

Good luck with PGA its an awesome game played by awesome people.
