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Could Use Your Input

Posted: March 19th, 2022, 1:35 pm
by Jim Hall
Playing around with a high desert course. Testing out different options for planting. In the attached, I've planted bushes and trees on the left just to get a feel for what it might look like. I'm not totally satisfied with the trees and bushes as they appear more "sparkly" in the game (this is a shot from the architect which is always a little bit darker). The pano is one I've created as well as the desert texture which isn't really obvious in the pic. I would appreciate any suggestions that you might have regarding the plantings and library options as well (the trees and bushes are from the desert library).

Oh, and I do work - it is just that UTK has been on spring break :cheers:
High Desert Test.jpg
(370.4 KiB) Not downloaded yet

Re: Could Use Your Input

Posted: March 20th, 2022, 12:18 pm
by DC#1
Hi Jim, you are a busy man. I would suggest checking out these libraries. Some have duplicate objects. Cabo del diablo is a good stock lib. I would look at Cactus Mirage, Scottsdale Textures, Rugged Cross, Dv dbl1, Passage, Kakudu, Tejas, CC Desert Palms, Hangmans. I have made a desert course and I believe these are the best libraries for a desert course. Let me know what you think. Happy designing.

Re: Could Use Your Input

Posted: March 20th, 2022, 6:25 pm
by Jim Hall
Thanks! I've settled on no trees, just grasses and bushes from Cabo, Coos Bay and Desert. they work well in trying to mimic the pic below.
south-distant-panorama 1.jpg
(292.54 KiB) Not downloaded yet

Re: Could Use Your Input

Posted: March 21st, 2022, 10:26 am
by SteveHorn
I think your planting is to heavy. If you remove some of the planting them add some brownish grasses it should look better.

Re: Could Use Your Input

Posted: March 21st, 2022, 11:40 am
by Jim Hall
Steve - totally agree. In fact, last night I deleted all of the planting and will be starting over.

Re: Could Use Your Input

Posted: April 4th, 2022, 7:51 am
by Viper
I'm looking forward to seeing more screens of this one Jim. :up: