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Re: Has this ever happened to you?
Posted: December 9th, 2010, 6:10 pm
by sandwedge
BrianZ111 wrote:
The player stats say I've made 6 aces.
Wow, six aces and 2 albatrosses - am extremely jealous of those gaudy numbers my man
Are you a true swing guy or a tri-click man? I am a tri-click man myself and my numbers are not even close to what you've got there - my problem has always been approaching the greens - I putt extremely well and I drive decently, but approach shots are where I struggle - hence the hard time getting an ace or albatross.
Re: Has this ever happened to you?
Posted: December 9th, 2010, 7:28 pm
by BrianZ111
It's more like the sheer amount of holes I've played means I got lucky a few more times rather than great skill.
Been playing on the same player for 10 years now and he has 30,715 holes on him. I’ve always played vertical Tru-Swing, no straight edge, no recreating.
Re: Has this ever happened to you?
Posted: December 11th, 2010, 2:44 pm
by sandwedge
BrianZ111 wrote: Been playing on the same player for 10 years now and he has 30,715 holes on him.
Have you lost much performance? I have always heard from True Swing folks that if you don't recreate then your performance will dip quite a bit - if that's the case then I would say that makes the six aces and two albatrosses even more impressive
By the way, I downloaded The Ridges and Wisconsin River CC the other day - fantastic, seriously fantastic!
Re: Has this ever happened to you?
Posted: December 11th, 2010, 4:47 pm
by BrianZ111
The game was designed to calibrate itself to your mouse speed. The player has extra power when you first create it. After about 9 holes you lose that extra power and begin to have similar distances to what clickers have. Some people had issues with XP where they couldn't play at all after a certain number of holes but I never had a problem with it. I've been on the same player on Win 98, XP and Win 7 and a few different mice and after any kind of change like that it always balances itself out after around 9-18 holes. They should have done it so you had less power with a new player or just make you calibrate before you even hit a shot like it did the older versions of the game. It's one of the few flaws in the game.
Glad you like the courses.