Custom Shadows???

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Weekend Duffer
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Custom Shadows???

Post by SKB1103 »

Ok, I figure I am going to ask all the questions I have little by little. How do I have custom shadows? On my 2d objects I clicked edit, and then on the shadow tab I added a shadow. But it does not generate when I compile the course. Anyone know what Im doing wrong?
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Re: Custom Shadows???

Post by SteveHorn »

SKB1103 ! It may be compiling but you might have shadows turned off in the game or set to low. Check your options menu when you start a game. Click on the game icon at the top of the screen after you start a game to change different options including shadows. My course shadows distance is set at 300 yards but you can set it at whatever you like. I like object shadows but not golfer shadows.
Last edited by SteveHorn on July 29th, 2011, 9:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Terry Grayson
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Re: Custom Shadows???

Post by Terry Grayson »

This is how I make them using Photoshop..Not sure if you have Photoshop or not.... But here goes :)

1. In Photoshop, Click on File, Open and navigate to your BMP File (We will use a Pine Tree just as an example) Click open
2. Now click on Image, Mode, then Indexed Color ( to Change it from RGB color)
3. Now Click on Image, Adjustments and then Replace Color
4. In the window that pops open you will have a small pic of your tree, click anywhere on the background behind it and then in the three sliders below the pic drag the arrows on all three to the left hand side. This will change the background to black (click OK) Make sure that Fuzziness slider at the top is on zero.

5. Now Click on Image, Mode and Grayscale a small box will open asking for you to discard color information just click OK
6. Now click on Image, Adjustments and Brightness/Contrast. In the window that pops up grab the top slider and drag to the left until you can barely see the difference in the background and the tree itself. Click Ok.
7. Now click on Image, Adjustments and the Replace color again. In the window that pops open click on the background of the tree and drag the Lightness slider all the way to the right to make the background white. Then click on Filter and Blur a few times.
8. Now click on Image, Adjustments and then Invert.
9.F inally click on Image, Mode and change back to Indexed color and save the file. It is ready to use.

Hope this helps in some way :)

Weekend Duffer
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Joined: July 20th, 2011, 7:30 am

Re: Custom Shadows???

Post by SKB1103 »

I do have photoshop so I will try that! And I will look for my shadow settings! Thanks!
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