G&CC Schlaubetal by Tebasco [New Course]

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G&CC Schlaubetal by Tebasco [New Course]

Post by BrianZ111 »

Course: G&CC Schlaubetal (9.6 MB)
Type: Fictional, Parkland
Designer: Tebasco
Date: 1/2/2013
Images: Sp, #1, #3, #17, #18
Libraries Used: N/A
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Re: G&CC Schlaubetal by Tebasco [New Course]

Post by DC#1 »

I played a quick round last night and wanted to say a few words. This is a nice course for being your first design. The bunkers were placed in proper locations. They were done well but the lips needed to be dropped. Textures fit together but were from stock libraries,as were all the trees. IMHO with all the custom libraries one of these would have looked better. There were some spots that could have used more smoothing. I thought the 2 par 3's on the front were well done, especially no. 7 reminded me of Augusta type green. I enjoyed 14 and 18 on the back. I liked how the trees drew the pano into the course, they looked like they belonged together. When you use the same tree just vary the height more. All in all a nice first design. Just keep working at it, practice different things, especially using the 2 shape tool. Read the tutorials here. I look forward to seeing your next course.
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Re: G&CC Schlaubetal by Tebasco [New Course]

Post by sandwedge »

This is not a course that will overwhelm you. It has larger fairways and greens and fair placement of hazards. Our family enjoyed playing here - we are all at different skill levels. The course looks attractive enough - stock objects and textures placed with an artistic eye. Luke Phillips would have loved the buildings and the way the yards were landscaped off of the course - gave it a neighborhood feel. Most holes were free of unsightly errors - few smoothing issues. I did not care for the 15th hole - more planting? more smoothing? something was missing there. Overall, I would say this is a great effort for a first try. I usually do not keep the first designs of architects on my hard drive. I will be making an exception for this one - not an A lister but worthy of a few rounds. Thanks Stefan (Tebasco) - appreciate the fine effort!
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Re: G&CC Schlaubetal by Tebasco [New Course]

Post by Tebasco »


I am pleased that this golf course is a friendly reception. Unfortunately I found this site too late, otherwise I would have put better textures and plantings. I will try to improve myself. ;)

@ DC # 1:
Bunker lips make for me an obstacle to me why they are often placed high.

@ sand wedge:
The vacancies without plants are wanted:
They are designed to highlight the difference in height and the other represents a possible (earlier) grazing by livestock (cows or sheep).

And so will the open terrain is left to explain to the # 17:
Free land. ;)

In times of economic crisis, the dollar does not sit quite as loose.

As for the textures:
Since you are right. Unfortunately, I am often at the limit when it comes to points of detail in the architecture program. I have to get used to me in the future a different kind, as regards the making of golf courses.
I think I work too much too complicated.

My next Golf Course is an advanced construction phase and this time he is said to have a name in the English-speaking language area. Can you tell me if a stream of about 12 ft width is named Creek or Brook?

I think the Google Translator is perhaps inaccurate. Therefore, the original German version. For those of you who are better German, English as I can.
Es freut mich, daß dieser Golf Course freundliche Aufnahme findet. Leider habe ich zu spät auf diese Website gefunden, sonst hätte ich bessere Texturen und Bepflanzungen eingebaut. Ich werde versuchen, mich zu bessern.
Bunkerlippen stellen für mich ein Hindernis dar. Deswegen sind sie bei mir oft hoch platziert.
Die freien Stellen ohne Bepflanzung sind gewollt:
Sie sollen den Höhenunterschied hervorheben und andererseits eine eventuelle (frühere) Beweidung durch Nutztiere (Kühe oder Schafe) darstellen.
So ist auch das freie Terrain links auf der #17 zu erklären:
Freies Bauland.
In Zeiten der Wirtschaftskrise sitzt der Dollar nicht mehr ganz so locker.
Was die Texturen betrifft:
Da habt ihr recht. Unglücklicherweise bin ich oft an der Belastungsgrenze, was Detailpunkte im Architekturprogramm betrifft. Ich muß mir zukünftig eine andere Art angewöhnen, was das Machen von Golf Courses betrifft.
Ich glaube, ich arbeite zu viel zu umständlich.
Mein nächster Golf Course ist in einer fortgeschrittenen Bau-Phase und diesmal soll er einen Namen aus dem anglophonen Sprachraum haben. Könnt ihr mir sagen, ob ein Bach von etwa 12 ft Breite den Namen Creek oder Brook erhält?
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Re: G&CC Schlaubetal by Tebasco [New Course]

Post by Terry Grayson »


Bunker lips try this

right click on your bunker texture, click on use as shape, inflate the newly created shape 2 inches and make it whatever lip texture you want, then drop it

then right click on the bunker texture again, duplicate it again 2 inches... select both shapes and click on the bunker tool and lower (usually I use .050) and drop...makes a nice clean lip

be sure an optimize the bunker lip on FULL....
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Re: G&CC Schlaubetal by Tebasco [New Course]

Post by bryce »


This was a very good effort for your first try! I like the layout alot, and the course was very forgiving. The sand could have used a little more work, but that is something that you will learn to do over time. You can look at the design tutorials listed in the utilities section to get some tips if you need them. Once again, a very good effort for your first course.

Hopefully, the translator is accurate:

Dies war eine sehr gute Leistung für den ersten Versuch! Ich mag das Layout viel, und der Kurs war sehr nachsichtig. Der Sand könnte ein wenig mehr Arbeit verwendet haben, aber das ist etwas, dass Sie lernen, im Laufe der Zeit tun wird. Sie können an den Design-Tutorials im Versorgungssektor aufgelistet einige Tipps, wenn Sie sie brauchen zu suchen. Wieder einmal ein sehr gutes Aufwand für den ersten Kurs.

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