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Excited New User

Posted: December 30th, 2010, 8:01 pm
by fireman215
Been playing this game for years! I was so excited to find a group that shares my enthusiasm! Very excited to see whats to come in 2011!

Re: Excited New User

Posted: December 30th, 2010, 8:41 pm
by sandwedge
Welcome and Happy New Year to you :) You'll find the folks here not only pleasant but very helpful. Check out Dar's A list of courses on the Utilities page. It's a good place to start if you're thinking of which course to try out. I'd also suggest you check out the 2011 PGA pro list on the same page - pit yourself against the real life stats of some of the world's best golfers. Glad to have you on board :)

Re: Excited New User

Posted: December 30th, 2010, 9:53 pm
by fireman215
Awesome! Thank you for the help and thank you for the welcome!

Re: Excited New User

Posted: December 31st, 2010, 5:29 am
by tincup
Welcome fireman, :wavey:

It is always good to see new members join our site. If you have questions or problems, please do not hesitate to ask for help. There are lots of folks here more than willing to help you. As sandwedge mentioned, there are tons of useful information you can download from our utilities area.

If you don't mind my asking, how did you find the site?

Again, welcome. Glad to have you.

Dar (aka Tincup, site administrator) :golf:

Re: Excited New User

Posted: December 31st, 2010, 11:41 am
by Indy Anna Jones
Welcome aboard fireman. If you're interested in playing online, there's a group of us who play on Kali at 3:30pm EST M-F. If you need any assistance with downloading and installing courses, etc., check the utility downloads or just ask, we're more than happy to help out.

Re: Excited New User

Posted: December 31st, 2010, 2:28 pm
by fireman215
Thanks tincup and indy anna! I had actually found the website a while back and obviously couldnt download any courses or anything, I have had some computer issues so I just figured it was my computer! Last night however we were slow at the fire station and I was searching around the site and found tincup's forum about the new site with the link, so here I am! Ive always enjoyed this game and especially the course architect. Ive been amazed to see some of the courses the users have uploaded! Ive got a long way to go to reach there calibers, but im excited to be on board!

Indy anna I am interested in playing online! Is there anyting I need to download of the utility page? What all do I need to do?

Thanks to all of y'all!

Re: Excited New User

Posted: December 31st, 2010, 10:12 pm
by Indy Anna Jones
Fireman, you need to go to the utilities page and download Kali and the Kali tutorial. Kali has a one-time lifetime membership fee of $20 IIRC (Tin correct me if that's changed.)

I also suggest that you download and install Teamspeak and the TS tutorial. Once you have these installed let us know and we'll help you get them set up and running.

(PS: I assume that's you and your family? Very pretty.)

UPDATE: I forgot to mention: Kali won't work if your OS is Vista or Seven. They won't support IXP packets.