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Peninsula State Park Golf Course

Posted: December 15th, 2011, 10:30 pm
by BrianZ111
So I've had this course about two thirds done for what seems like forever. It's been eating at me that I've put so much work into it and haven't done anything with it. So I decided to issue myself a challenge:

Finish the course in 2 weeks.

Why 2 weeks? It's close enough to keep me from being overwhelmed by how much longer it will take while just barely seeming possible to pull off. Don't know if I can do it but I'm working every hour of every evening trying to get it done.

The plan:

1. Finish off the front 9 this week.
2. Create the pano and a few objects over the weekend.
3. Finish the back 9 next week.
4. Have it ready for play testing by Friday.
5. Final release before the end of the year.

So far I think I'm on track. The front 9 is coming along nicely and almost done. I'm worried about the pano over the weekend. It's a complicated pano with bay water and land that have to be merged together. I'm also not sure about the back 9. I didn't have as much done on it but I also don't think it will be as hard as the front nine.

Also, this will probably be my last course for PGA 2000. I plan on designing for World Golf Challenge (CPG) when the new version of that game comes out next year.

So with that here are a few pics from the front 9 so far. I will stop typing now and get back to work!

Re: Peninsula State Park Golf Course

Posted: December 16th, 2011, 9:09 am
by Terry Grayson
Love the look Brian!!!! Looks awesome... Hey one question...Did you take your own pics of some of these trees? Looks like some high quality digitals....

Great work so far....

Re: Peninsula State Park Golf Course

Posted: December 16th, 2011, 10:13 am
by Indy Anna Jones
So, when are you going to post pictures of your course and not the real course???

Seriously, they look incredible. Not quite Links but definitely close.

Re: Peninsula State Park Golf Course

Posted: December 16th, 2011, 5:32 pm
by sandwedge
Okay, I am definitely disappointed that this is going to be your last course. I love the blends and I love the colors. Just like your previous work - immaculate!

Re: Peninsula State Park Golf Course

Posted: December 16th, 2011, 6:43 pm
by BrianZ111
Thanks for the encouragement everyone, it helps.
Indy Anna Jones wrote:So, when are you going to post pictures of your course and not the real course???

Seriously, they look incredible. Not quite Links but definitely close.
There's actually a thick forest surrounding this course but the front 9 is a bit more open. The back 9 cuts through the forest and has more elevation changes which is why I think it will be a little easier to do. The trees and general elevation changes are already done and I don't have to put in so many dry rough blends and small plantings there.
Terry Grayson wrote:Love the look Brian!!!! Looks awesome... Hey one question...Did you take your own pics of some of these trees? Looks like some high quality digitals....

Great work so far....
Yeah most of the pine trees are mine though there aren't any new for this course; they are the ones I did for The Ridges. There's also a lot of Woodford Park and some NAW mixed in there. I would like to get a good cedar added but I don't know if I'll have time or the even a good picture to use. It's too cold out now to go take pictures.
sandwedge wrote:Okay, I am definitely disappointed that this is going to be your last course. I love the blends and I love the colors. Just like your previous work - immaculate!
I know, I wish it weren't my last course but doing a complete 18 hole golf course is a big commitment. At least it is for me given how long it took me just to get to this point with this course. Add in the fact that I don't have as much free time as I used to and I want to design some for World Golf Challenge and realistically I have to say that it probably is or at the very least it will be a long time before I do another complete course. That being said I'm still willing to do some partial work like a plot or routing for someone else to finish or single hole in contest type thing yet if anything like that ever comes up.

Re: Peninsula State Park Golf Course

Posted: December 16th, 2011, 7:06 pm
by BrianZ111
Here's a real picture of hole 1 I took when I was there last year.

Re: Peninsula State Park Golf Course

Posted: December 16th, 2011, 8:54 pm
by Indy Anna Jones
Wow, that's a gorgeous looking course. Okay... I can tell the difference, but Terry is right in saying those trees look really good. They are 90% photo quality and IMO really do come close to Links-quality, AFAICR.

Re: Peninsula State Park Golf Course

Posted: December 16th, 2011, 11:54 pm
by BrianZ111
Yeah, it is. Hopefully I can convert some of my pictures into a pano over the weekend and then I'll have some really good water views of Green Bay to show off from the back 9.

Re: Peninsula State Park Golf Course

Posted: December 18th, 2011, 7:35 pm
by BrianZ111
Well here's what I came up with for the pano. Ended up using 320 for pixel height. I don't think you can make it any higher resolution for this game. It's a little pixilated but still makes for a pretty dramatic view.

Re: Peninsula State Park Golf Course

Posted: December 19th, 2011, 7:54 am
by sandwedge
Okay - so I am willing to start a fan club for Brian if it will convince him to not make this course his last one :bg: It looks great thus far to me. I like the textures and I like the blending of the textures with the pano.