New unwanted drives in Explorer after installation attempt

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New unwanted drives in Explorer after installation attempt

Post by ken »


After trying to install PGA 2000 on my PC (unsuccessfully due to a graphics problem) using the "PGA 2000 Installation Package" from the "Utilities" section I find I now have two new drives when I open my Windows 10 version of Explorer as follows:

CD Drive (V): PGA2000 CD1 containing 459 MB of files


CD Drive (W) PGA2000 CD2 containing 630 MB of files

How do I get rid of these new unwanted drives?

Thank you Ken
Legend of Golf
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Re: New unwanted drives in Explorer after installation attempt

Post by SteveHorn »

Ken !
If you look in the PGA 2000 forum section under "technical help" you'll see a topic about 5 entries down titled "Win 10 solution for PGA 2000!" Read this it should hopefully solve your game play graphics issue. As far as a Compact Disc drive having unwanted files not sure what to tell you except is there a disc in the drive?
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