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Course Perimeter Tool

Posted: February 19th, 2022, 10:03 am
by Jim Hall
It is not clear to me what the function of the course perimeter tool is. If I draw a perimeter, save the file, reopen and compile it - nothing changes. In fact, when I reopen the file I can no longer see the course perimeter outline. In that case, I redraw the perimeter and compile the course without saving. Again, nothing seems to change. Perhaps I'm not using the tool correctly?

Re: Course Perimeter Tool

Posted: February 19th, 2022, 12:16 pm
by SteveHorn
I used it once along time ago. Instead of a square or rectangular shape you can cut around your course saving a little on your point count. I didn't have any problems using it but if I remember correctly it did leave some areas with a blacked out look on the edge of the border.

Re: Course Perimeter Tool

Posted: February 19th, 2022, 2:15 pm
by DC#1
Hi Jim, Steve is correct about the course perimeter saving on the point count. Select tools then create course perimeter. Now left click to create points around the outside of your course just like you were creating a shape. When you get to the last point to close the shape you right click just like a shape inside the course; like a fairway or green etc. Now put your cursor inside that shape and right click. You will see create new course perimeter or delete. A word of caution, you can't undo this once it is done. I would recommend saving your course with a new name like Copper Fox 1. Also do not make the shape right up to your course, leave a little room maybe 250 yards. I think that on certain panos it might change the look of the course from the camera view because instead of the pano being at the 4 sides of the original plot the pano will be where ever you make the perimeter. So the pano will appear closer. It is trial and error and that is why I highly suggest saving arch file as new file like I said Copper Fox 1,2, 3. That is how I save arch files in case your course crashes you can just go back 1 file instead of having to start the course again from scratch.

Re: Course Perimeter Tool

Posted: February 20th, 2022, 7:12 am
by Jim Hall
Thanks guys! I wasn't putting the cursor inside the new perimeter shape and right clicking. Works great now!