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Re: Members and new members introduce yourself

Posted: April 9th, 2011, 7:52 am
by SteveHorn
BKFIN ! Welcome back. Hope you stick around. Dar and his group still play on Kali. Also Judy I belive has a game on Wednesdays with her group.

Re: Members and new members introduce yourself

Posted: April 9th, 2011, 8:42 am
by Indy Anna Jones
Hey BK! There were a couple of guys from England who were playing some other o/l site but it only allows for 2 players at a time, and I haven't seen the guys since November or so. If you haven't read it yet, the OS' after XP won't support IPX. Jack (the Wizard), Gary (Poppy) and I play M-F at 3:30pm EDT, and Dar and his friends (the "A" club, lol) play about the same time.
Welcome back!

Re: Members and new members introduce yourself

Posted: April 9th, 2011, 12:57 pm
by billy ventresca
Indy.... two words for Ulna GolfKlub... freakin great! Thanks for making it!!!

Re: Members and new members introduce yourself

Posted: April 10th, 2011, 4:45 am
by tincup
BKFIN wrote:Hello Peeps. BKFIN here. I used to play a ton of PGA 2000 back in the day when it was an easy thing to do when Copy Right Club was around. I recognize lots of people here and hope everyone is doing well. I just came to this site so I will have to check it all out and find out what's going on. Is Kali still the only place to play?
Hey BK,
Welcome back. It is always good to see some of the old war horses rejoin the herd. We still play some of your courses now and then... especially Lake Lavon which was the last (2005) and best of your six courses (IMO). Maybe you need to dust off the architect and produce another masterpiece.

At the moment, Kali is our only option for online play. It is far from ideal, but at least we can play. You need Windows XP or lower to use Kali. Mother Microsoft removed IPX packet protocol support for Windows Vista and Windows 7. Kali is now $10 for a lifetime membership... not too bad. We all use Teamspeak 2 as our chat program... it works well for us.

Again, welcome back. If you need any help, just holler.

Dar :wavey:

Re: Members and new members introduce yourself

Posted: July 2nd, 2011, 3:11 am
by thecat
Too much! Where do I start? I began playing PGA in 98 I believe when I was living in Hawaii. I haven't played for ages. My name is Chris and when I was a regular I went by the name thecat. I just came across the website today and am so excited I found it! First, seeing names of "friends" from years ago is such a pleasure. My wife is going to kill me should I let her know that I can play this game online again. I work as a teacher in Riyadh, KSA and as part of our end of year schedule, we have a few weeks where we come in to work and do very little. I had brought the CD back with me from the states a few years ago and decided to load it at work to have a bit of fun. I have been doing very little other than working on my tru-swing stroke for the past week or so. I could go on and on, but will cut myself short and add that I look forward to learning where and when games can be played and what the website is all about. Many thanks to those who put this together. A wonderful surprise to find you all here.

Re: Members and new members introduce yourself

Posted: July 2nd, 2011, 5:10 am
by Robert@
Welcome home Cat!

Re: Members and new members introduce yourself

Posted: July 2nd, 2011, 6:25 am
by Indy Anna Jones
A hearty welcome to thecat! There's still a handful of us who won't give this old game up until they pry the mouse from our cold dead fingers, lol!

Billy, I just now saw your post about Ullna, and I thank you. I did this at the request of a Swedish gamer named Charles who lives (lived?) near Stockholm. If you read the course notes, you'll already know that Ullna is the host of the Swedish Open. If you haven't done so yet, you might want to check out LeGolf National l'Albatross, where the French Open is in progress this weekend. No rowdy crowds, I assure you! We didn't learn until the game had already been posted that #18 is treated as a par 4 for the Open.

Re: Members and new members introduce yourself

Posted: August 7th, 2011, 5:53 pm
by Guggy107
Hey everyone, I'm Glenn. I live just outside of DC, in Maryland (went to round 1 of the US Open at Congressional this year). I used to play PGA Championship back when it first came out, but I lost the game about 10 years ago now. I was never able to get it out of my head though, and finally I got around to picking it back up on Amazon. I did it mainly for the architect, but I'm finding the gameplay to be better than I remember it too.

I love actual golf as well, and I used to be an 8 or 9 handicap in high school. 4 years of no playing in college did me in though, and I started picking the game back up 2 or 3 years ago. I'm working on getting back to where I was :). I'd love to be a major contributor to this community in terms of creating great original golf courses. Alas, I am married, have a full time job, and I'm working on getting my Masters in Education on top of that! It doesnt leave a heck of a lot of time to build a golf course, but I'll do my best.

Everyone has been extremely nice and helpful so far, and I just wanted to say hi and let you all know who I am.

Re: Members and new members introduce yourself

Posted: August 7th, 2011, 7:42 pm
by Indy Anna Jones
Welcome to the community Glenn. There's not a lot of us left but there are still several active designers (as you've already learned) who are more than willing to help and who always look forward to new courses. Unfortunately on-line play isn't as easy as it used to be since WON shut us down and the last two versions of Windows don't support Kali. But for newbies who've been away for awhile I think you'll be pretty ecstatic about the terrific number and quality of courses available to download.

Any questions, ANY QUESTIONS, don't EVER be afraid to ask. Speaking for the community I'm sure, we're more than happy to answer any questions you might have about the designer or the game itself, plus there are still some very good tutorials available in the "utilities" section, plus you can find a number of topics discussed in the game itself by accessing the games' "help" tab or pressing the F1 key.

Re: Members and new members introduce yourself

Posted: August 8th, 2011, 6:54 pm
by epohs
Hi all Real name is Bill. Not sure what year I started playing but was here in 98. I just went to the old site and saw I last logged on 2004. I was a admin back in the 2000 era. Use to spend more time settling disputes between players than playing most days. Some of them really took it too serious. Was alot of fun and I miss it. I still have the game disc somewhere might just have to break them out and play some. Some of you may remember Linda she was the big cheeze then. Any real old timers here if you remember Epohs give me a yell. Later all and glad the game has survived.