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Re: Wit & Wisdom of Golf

Posted: November 21st, 2013, 6:42 am
by Stan Nehilla
Golf Dictionary

Burner - A tee shot that's hit low and hard.

Re: Wit & Wisdom of Golf

Posted: November 22nd, 2013, 5:32 am
by Stan Nehilla
Golf Dictionary

Butterfly with sore feet, like a - An expression used by the more poetic golfers to describe a shot that lands very softly on the green.

Re: Wit & Wisdom of Golf

Posted: November 23rd, 2013, 7:47 am
by Stan Nehilla
Buttonhook - A putt that hits the cup on one side and rolls all the way around the edge of the cup before coming out the front edge of the cup. Also called a horseshoe. Either way, very nasty.

Re: Wit & Wisdom of Golf

Posted: November 24th, 2013, 6:16 am
by Stan Nehilla
Golf Dictionary

Cabbage - Deep, thick, inescapable rough. Also called spinach. Green, leafy vegetables are not good for your golf game.

Re: Wit & Wisdom of Golf

Posted: November 25th, 2013, 5:22 am
by Stan Nehilla
Golf Dictionary

Caddy - Individual who carries bags for golfers and assists them in the playing of the course. Ideally, a caddy should possess the eyes of a big-game hunter, the strength of a linebacker, the patience of a diplomat and the memory of a Mafia witness.

Re: Wit & Wisdom of Golf

Posted: November 26th, 2013, 5:09 am
by Stan Nehilla
Golf Dictionary

Calamity Jane - Legendary golfer Bobby Jones' nickname for his "straight shooting" putter. Few contemporary golfers give their putters nicknames, but those who do usually choose more appropriate sobriquets like "Runaround Sue" and "Unsink able Molly Brown."

Re: Wit & Wisdom of Golf

Posted: November 27th, 2013, 6:43 am
by Stan Nehilla
Golf Dictionary

Can - The hole. The cup. The place to put your putts. When you sink a putt, you canned it.

Re: Wit & Wisdom of Golf

Posted: November 28th, 2013, 6:26 am
by Stan Nehilla
Golf Dictionary

Carpet - The green. Soft, well-manicured fairways are also referred to as being "like carpet."

Re: Wit & Wisdom of Golf

Posted: November 29th, 2013, 10:02 am
by Stan Nehilla
Golf Dictionary

Cart girl - The lovely young lady who operates the beer cart (a motorised vehicle that carries refreshments to golfers out on the course). These refreshments typically cost a fortune, which probably explains why golf courses hire beautiful young women to sell them.

Re: Wit & Wisdom of Golf

Posted: November 30th, 2013, 7:49 am
by Stan Nehilla
Golf Dictionary

Cart golf - Term for when two golfers riding in the same golf cart repeatedly hit the ball in the same direction (usually into the rough). An efficient but not necessarily pleasant way to play.