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Re: 'Alainn Tr'aigh Links

Posted: February 2nd, 2023, 4:20 pm
by ChuckH
This is a great course and thanks to all the great designers who made it. Everything fits so nice together and looks beautiful, especially in panorama view. The vistas with the background and ocean can't be beat. JN6 still plays great and is so nice to have around for so long and have so many great courses. If I had a wish list of courses not done, I would selfishly pick Bandon Dunes and Coeur d' Alene as they are in my neck of the world. Thanks to Steve for pulling it all together. It was fun to see the progress as it happened in pictures.

Re: 'Alainn Tr'aigh Links

Posted: February 3rd, 2023, 2:58 pm
by mikey2020
Finally was able to figure out how to download this (thanks to Sundance).

I keep saying to myself with each new group design "are we going to out do ourselves?" Well we more than out did ourselves with this design. Between the narrow fairways, roller-coaster greens and plenty of places on the course to run afoul with stray shots. This course is challenging. The layout of the course is ascetically pleasing and blended well in the horizon which we all know can be a challenge for us designers. The only flaw that I saw and it's a depth issue with the horizon that I see (especially those of us who have the "widescreen patch" installed) is the floating bar on top of the horizon. Us designer's know the normal depths on making the horizon and skies but as I've learned with some of the designs that did in the past is to offset the height of sky by addition 10% so that this doesn't occur and it has very little effect on the sky appearance.

Hopefully I'll add some new courses for this game as well as resurrecting some of my original designs.

Re: 'Alainn Tr'aigh Links

Posted: February 6th, 2023, 3:58 pm
by Goran
Played a round if anyone wants to play along ... 181#p12181