Diary of a Golf Hole

The course architect, design theory, and current projects.
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Re: Diary of a Golf Hole

Post by ADC »

Are you not doing universal elevation changes? I'm just curious, as I have always struggled with building the way you just have. I ask as a point of admiration, because I've always noticed how natural your elevations are, and am just curious what your hole by hole design process is normally like. For instance, do most of your courses look like this at one point?
"It is all good and well to punish a bad shot, but the right to eternal punishment should be reserved for a higher tribunal than a Green Committee." Bernard Darwin on Pine Valley Golf Club.
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Re: Diary of a Golf Hole

Post by SteveHorn »

David! Download the course Outer limits and you'll see what I meant. I like the water effect near the rocks but it did look busy only because I thought it stretched out to far.
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Re: Diary of a Golf Hole

Post by Polslad »

I've found that trying to do a cliff top layout on one land plot is too complicated.
Firstly, trying to creat a detailed coastline around a full plot is very difficult, just just have to go for a low detail start then zoom in on specific areas and add more points for detail.
If you do this, it tends to 'distort' the outline in other areas away from the area you are working on, then you have a heck of a task trying to get the shape to fit and drop into the plot again.
I've never done it this way before, so I don't know.
I just thought that individual hole size plots would be easier to work with, and allow a lot more detail.
I only intend now to use 4 individual plots, if I piece them together closely enough, bit like a jigsaw on the non detail side, I should be able to hide the joins so you won't see them when playing.

What I am doing is taking my time on this, kinda want it to be my Magnus Opus.
I think everything that can be done with this architect has been done, we aren't seeing anything 'new' anymore, just variations on the fantastic work that has been done over the years.
Of course, there are still many of the worlds top courses to build, and I know people get 'enjoyment' (if that's the right word) from building new designs, but I just wonder how much life is left in this game, how many people play it, how many still read these posts, and how many actually comment?
I spent most of last summer reworking Muirfield and didn't get a single review. I have no idea how many downloads courses' get these days.
Back in the time of the Copyright Club, there was a download counter and a most popular course table.
I just wonder how active this community is?
I know I have recently spent time DL'ing all of Dar's A list courses, and intend to play them, who else is active?
There have been some great names and great designers associated with this game over the years, sadly, if you forgive the pun, most have 'faded' away.
Wow, went a bit off-track there.

Now, do people want there 8th at Pebble to reflect the hole they are familiar with, or do I incorporate the new changes, they are quite radical?
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Re: Diary of a Golf Hole

Post by ADC »


I agree with you about the architect. But I'm not certain about the community. I've got a laptop with XP on it now, and I know I play the game just about every day.
I know one person a community does not make. But I think there are those here who still care about the game.

BTW, have you ever tried download plots from sites like GeoCom? I think working with a real site brings a lot of variety.


PS, let's see the new 8th.
"It is all good and well to punish a bad shot, but the right to eternal punishment should be reserved for a higher tribunal than a Green Committee." Bernard Darwin on Pine Valley Golf Club.
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Re: Diary of a Golf Hole

Post by Polslad »

What is GeoCom?
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Re: Diary of a Golf Hole

Post by BrianZ111 »

My apologies for the lack of stats. It's something I've wanted to provide but it just hasn't been high enough on the priority list for me to get it done. I looked up Muirfield 2013 in the server logs for you.

Code: Select all

Month     Downloads
Nov.      35
Dec.      17
Jan.      16
Feb.      6
Mar.      11
Total     85
I'd say go for the new 8th hole as I am curious to see what the differences are.

GeoCom is one of a few sites where you can download real world terrain data (DEM) and import it into the architect.
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Re: Diary of a Golf Hole

Post by SteveHorn »

lets see the new #8
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Re: Diary of a Golf Hole

Post by LinksLegend »

David. Fascinating - love the thread, intrigued by your approach on this course and hear your thoughts on activity.

Would I have completed Kruger ages ago if the community still thrived? Probably.

Are your efforts, or mine, or any reviewers time worth less due to dwindling numbers? Maybe.

Is it worth doing anyway? Course it is! You do it because you love designing abd you're bloody brilliant at it. We'd all love a million downloads, but actually having one person play and enjoy one of your courses beats having nobody play them i.e. the days before t'internet.

As for your course - I'd like to see you give your own spin on all of them rather than make exact relicas. Most will have been made before for this game already. The holes became famous because they are strategically sound, so be true to the original strategy, but make them look however you want. It's how the golden age of design started - applying strategic templates to whatever land you were provided with.

I for one thoroughly look forward to playing your Magnus Opus when it's ready and reading and commenting on the progress as you work through it.

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Re: Diary of a Golf Hole

Post by bryce »

I would love to see the new 8th. I like the idea of the waves on the Cypress #16 hole, but if you go back to doing them, you may want to make them a little smaller. Once and object gets so many points to it, it becomes jagged. The work you have done so far is impressive!

As Links mentioned, this is a great thread on your own personal theory on how you are making this course. I believe I may 'borrow' this idea for my courses from now on. A great way to get feedback before we actually get to play it!

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Re: Diary of a Golf Hole

Post by ADC »

Forgive me if this question hijacks the thread, but it's come to mind with this topic.

Thumbs up, Linkslegend. I tee it up on PGA2k every day, for at least a little while. I don't really see this ending anytime soon. So, I don't quite think this community is done so much as it's simply smaller. I apologize, as well, for not posting a review of Murifield 2013. I had graphics issues, and it would always crash on me, though what I played of it was extremely well done.

They say misery loves company. Want some, Polsad? I know I've yet to publish a course here, but I've always kept trying. Would anyone mind if I built and talked about my own architectural efforts, too? I've currently got two courses in progress. Maybe by being a more active part of the community, I may get one of them done.

Long live PGA2k,

"It is all good and well to punish a bad shot, but the right to eternal punishment should be reserved for a higher tribunal than a Green Committee." Bernard Darwin on Pine Valley Golf Club.
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