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Re: The Open

Posted: July 17th, 2011, 2:53 am
by Polslad
My thought exactly Indy, big Darren had more than enough chances yesterday to have it won, I don't imagine he will have the same today, although I would like to see him win as much as anyone.
Have to see what the weather is like today, you do get the occaisional last round 64 from no-where and some one will sneak it.
Cant wait.
Tom Wason is a legend.
Bit too far back though to have a run at it.
Is Dustin Johnston ready? He's had a few 'near' misses last season.

Re: The Open

Posted: July 17th, 2011, 6:21 am
by bryce
At this very moment that I'm typing this, Sergio is -4 thru 7 holes and level par for the Championship. If he can just keep it going and maybe post -1....who knows. Nobody expected Paul Lawrie to have a chance 12 years ago. Somone will sneak up from behind, maybe Sergio, and post something around par which will probably contend with this wind, and upcoming rain. It's going to be a great final round!

Re: The Open

Posted: July 17th, 2011, 12:18 pm
by Indy Anna Jones
Congrats to Darren Clarke who played about as perfectly as one could hope under those conditions. Congrats also to Phil and Dustin for their second place finish.

So now the Northern Irish have won 3 of the last 4 majors, is that right? I know its the first time any country (outside of the USA) has had back to back winners since 1910... that's unbelievable.

One thing my hub has been harping on, and I agree, is that one of the legacy's of Woods 13 year romp is that American golfers have learned how to settle for second or a top 10 finish, and don't know how to close. Phil played a great f9, then missed a short putt on 11 and then the wheels came off. Johnson was within 2 then hit OOB on 15 or 16 (forget which) and that was it for him. 4 ahead with 2 to play, Clarke could afford to bogey the last 2 holes and still win it.

All in all a good tourney; I wish the finish had been a bit more dramatic, but it was a deserved win for Mr. Clarke. :up:

Re: The Open

Posted: July 17th, 2011, 12:25 pm
by Polslad
Everything Indy said.
Tournament was heating up for a great finish, then within a few minutes lefty missed that short putt and Johnson went OB, it was practically all over then.
Still, great win for Big Darren, and what's with the Irish lately, 3 major champions in 12 months?
Must be something in the water over there.

Re: The Open

Posted: July 17th, 2011, 1:36 pm
by Stan Nehilla
Or something in the Harp's & Guiness.

Not surprised by Dustin.

All in all, a good win for Darren.