YouTube game highlight series

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the magician
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Re: YouTube game highlight series

Post by the magician »

Another 5 player game. Enjoy! Game 10
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Re: YouTube game highlight series

Post by the magician »

Kelly and The Magician (team Red) vs Bison and Dave. Who will win? Enjoy! Game 11
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Re: YouTube game highlight series

Post by smarshallt »

Nice videos! Question for you: how are you stopping the ball so nicely on the greens and even having some backspin? When I play, I find it very difficult to stop the ball on the green; it bounces and rolls through a lot..almost like they're makes them a bit unrealistic. When I watch your videos, the ball action looks much more realistic.

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the magician
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Re: YouTube game highlight series

Post by the magician »

Thanks for watching my videos smarshallt, I really appreciate it. I put together a short video to better demonstrate how I hit approach shot to the green from the fairway. I setup the green as very dry in the video to illustrate as the hardest setting to stop the ball quickly and not have the ball run off the back of the green. The wind I set as “still” just to show the formula at it’s simplest form.
Some key things to know:
I am a tri-clicker = click the mouse 3 times to hit the ball (vs tru-swinger = move mouse to hit the ball).
What is really good about the 3rd click hitting the ball, is I don’t need to be very accurate on the meter to have the ball go straight (as seen in the video). You don’t need to hit dead on any line to make the ball go straight.

You will need to hit all clubs at 105% (it’s much more consistent in controlling distance and easier anyway). When I say 105% I really mean just a little over the 100% mark.

There are 2 types of shot setups, basic and advanced (my own designed “advanced” created setup).

Here is my advanced setup:
For example, my clubs hit like this.
3 iron shows 210 yards at 100% (212 = 105%)
4 iron shows 198 yards at 100% (200 = 105%)
5 iron shows 187 yards at 100% (190 = 105%)
6 iron shows 175 yards at 100% (177 = 105%)
and so on…

In the video I am about 162 yards from the pin. I calculate like this

Distance to pin + 33(the magic formula from the fairway) (use +25 from the tee box)
162+33=195 (so I need to hit the shot for 195)

My 5 iron at 105% = 190 (I will setup my shot using what people call the “horseshoe” at about +4.000 and the “straight arrow” at about +2.000. This will make my shot go 190. I can adjust the “straight arrow” to +1.500 will extend my shot 5 yards to make it go 195.
Remember on very dry greens you will always get some roll. Depending on wind, I may only want to hit the shot to go 190 and know it will roll about 5 yards. All the other green settings, like wet, dry etc will stick to the green with very little roll (that is what I think you are looking for).

I also can hit my 6 iron like this:
162+33=195 (need to hit 195-177 for my six iron =18)
6 iron will go 177 so I adjust my “straight arrow” from +2.000 to +0.200 for the extra 18 yards needed.
Knowing very dry greens still roll a little I will not add all 18 yards as seen in the video.

NOTE: Adjustment on the straight arrow +2.000 to +1.000 = 10 yards yards, +2.000 to +0.500 = 15 yards, and so on…

This is always my standard “magic” setup. Then I make adjustments off that.
Horseshoe = +4.000 (never change)
Straight arrow = +2.000

Magic formula:
Take distance to pin
+33 for fairway approach or +25 from the tee box
+/- adjustment for wind
+/- adjustment for very dry greens (4 to about 11 yards, depending if the wind is light to strong at your back. Very little addition adjustment if greens are between wet to dry.

First practice using wet to dry greens and you will see the ball stick very well, it’s just very dry greens you will always see a little roll. Rule of thumb for wind, 5 mph = 5 yards, 10 mph = 10 yards, it’s when wind is like 35 mph at your back I would -39 to -41 again depending if the greens are normal or another type you may need to adjust more or less.

I hope this information was helpful. Shot setup tutorial
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Re: YouTube game highlight series

Post by smarshallt »

Hi Magician,

Thanks so much for your detailed shot tutorial! Very helpful and well explained. I've been practicing with this method this past week and it works great! Has renewed my interest in the game.
On a slightly different topic, I had inquired on another post if there is any ability to save a season game in progress. If you can't finish 18 holes in one go, you have to be disqualified...don't know if there is a work around for this as I often don't have time to play a full 18 holes in a row.

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the magician
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Re: YouTube game highlight series

Post by the magician »

Here is another game we played yesterday. Enjoy!
Also, smarshallt I believe you need to play all 18 holes when you are playing in season mode (no work around). Game 12

NOTE: If anyone is interested in playing with a group of online players (fun and great guys) like you see in my videos, just leave a message in this thread. There are about 6 or 7 of us, and most play every day from 2:30 CST to about 6:00 or 7:00. You don’t need to be a good to great player as we just enjoy playing the game and the more people the better. We can get in contact with you to help you get setup with anything you need. We currently play using the Kali gaming server, and TeamSpeak3. Also, you can play online using windows XP, 7 or 10 (using Oracle VM VirtualBox). Join the fun. :)
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Re: YouTube game highlight series

Post by J.J. »

Thanks to your videos I've finally gotten round to re-installing PGA2000. Surprisingly it installed fine on Win10 using my original discs :)

Used to play my own local tournaments and very occasionally online from around 2000 but then got the bug for designing and lost my touch out on the course. Haven't played in years so I'm just getting the feel for TruSwing again before I start counting the strokes!
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Re: YouTube game highlight series

Post by the magician »

Here is this weeks game. Enjoy!
Good to see you’re playing the game again J.J.

Correction: On one of the holes I said 35 feet and meant to say 35 yards. Game 13
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Re: YouTube game highlight series

Post by the magician »

Here is this weeks game. Enjoy! Game 14
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Re: YouTube game highlight series

Post by BrianZ111 »

Thanks for posting these videos. Maybe with a little luck we can attract some new people again or get some old people interested again.

I'd like to get online and play a little bit of PGA 2000 again at some point. I have it installed on Windows 7 and 8 but that doesn't work with Kali. I'm hoping to find some time this year to put together an old retro system to play some old games again. I know I could do it in VirtualBox but since I'm planning on doing the old system anyway I don't really want to mess around with VirtualBox. Hopefully you guys will still be playing by the time I get it going.
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