Adios and Fare thee well.

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Chronic Slicer
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Adios and Fare thee well.

Post by Diguelo »

Seems I have been black listed. Anyhow, enjoy the courses I made, the programs I wrote and Have a Happy Thanksgiving , Christmas, New Year and whatever shall come your way. I was kind of hoping to get back in to play the game again, but my game wont talk to Kali, mainly down to me being on an x64 system, oh well it was worth a shot.

Hookster, Kelly, Magician, Bison, tried to say hi to you all last night but didnt see any replies probably the program not working. As for the teamspeak 3 server, whats the point when you dont even use TS 2. Still I enjoyed playing the game with you all and ive got all the courses backed up right to today so at least I can hack round them at my leisure now and not have to worry bout getting my ass kicked.

Take care of yourselves all and especially Tincup, Dar you still are considered a friend, you know how to get in touch with me if you want me but seeing as I havent heard squat from anyone in years I doubt I will be missed. Regards to the Mrs and Son and I hope you have a fabulous time over the holiday period blowing snow over on the neighbours drive, lol, take care all and keep this game alive its had way too many hours put into it over the years to warrant it just dying.

Anyone has any problems give me a mail shot ill see what I can do as for online play, i cant get the game to go online at all now, not to worry.
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Re: Adios and Fare thee well.

Post by stillgolfing »

"Seems I have been black listed."
Really! Sorry to here that Diguelo. I very much appreciated your recent helpful forum responses to many of the questions that had been previously left unanswered. Certainly it was an education for me, and made what is a decent but somewhat idiosyncratic golf game much more enjoyable.
Cheers, Dave
When dyslexic golfers hit a wild shot, do they yell erof !? .... stillgolfing
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Re: Adios and Fare thee well.

Post by SteveHorn »

Diguelo! I don't believe you've been blacklisted. Me personally I've been busy setting up my brand new computer. This is my FIRST post using it. I haven't played a round of golf in at least a month. As for Dar, he just had knee replacement surgery and is very busy with rehab at this time. Doron has a problem with having to take care of his mother at this time and won't be around much for awhile. Plus its the holiday season and many people are busy in other ways. I also appreciate all the info and other work you've done for this community and hope you stick around.
Chronic Slicer
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Re: Adios and Fare thee well.

Post by Parrothead »

I haven't played online, but will thank you for the aids you have created. The putting and target practice courses are a great help in trying to master the basics, of this fabulous, yet frustrating at times, golf sim.
Chronic Slicer
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Re: Adios and Fare thee well.

Post by hookster »

Ok I promised the guys I would not post a response to this and they said ty lol, but the more I read it I see the same old pete. First off I hope this post doesn`t get pulled because its the truth. We saw you the other night Pete and no you aren`t black listed. We just choose not to play with you. Since you are looking for sympathy cause no one will play with you, lemme set the record straight. Years ago dar took you under his wing and taught you everything there is to know about this game. And to make a long story short, you faked your death and it literally devistated him. When every else was mourning for you I read between the lines and thought hard on it and finally told the guys I think pete is alive and it`s all a farse and to our suprise you were there 3 days later telling us your girlfriend sent dar a bogos email telling dar that you were dead. Nice try. Too many things that I got from the story told me that you set this whole thing up. By the way we do use Teamspeak but we all chip in for it every year and since it is on my credit card I banned you from it. I have known Dar for years and have met him for lunch many times and I know if we let you in he will quit and I will play golf with Dar any day over you. By the way I run a 64 bit system windows 7 with a virtual xp and it plays perfectly. So I guess you can create your imaginary golf site like you keep talking about and maybe some day play with your imaginary friends too. If anyone wants to join please drop me an email at hookster59@yahoo and I will be able to help you set it up no matter what system you have. Suprise suprise Pete we don`t always need your help. By the way Bison saw you in the room but didn`t say hi cause he thought you were ghosting since you are dead.
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Re: Adios and Fare thee well.

Post by BrianZ111 »

No worries about having a post pulled, people are free to speak here. I know nothing about what happened. All I’ll say is this site is a PGA 2000 community site and will remain open to anyone who wants to use or contribute to it. Nobody is black listed here other than blatant spammers posting unrelated ad content.
Chronic Slicer
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Re: Adios and Fare thee well.

Post by Diguelo »

Slight problem with banning me off teamspeak dave I was one of the people helped to write the damn thing in the first place. And make sure the server your renting isn't one of the Indian ones. Its easy enough to check, use "Whois" on google and the IP address you connect with, thats the 4 number seperated by . not the port after the : sign, to find the owner of the server. Your card details may already be duplicated elsewhere. American, Canadian ones are fine but nothing in Asia or Russia for the love of god and your own money. And most of all thanks for doing something positive toward the community, i applaud you.

Oh and as for banning me or my IP good luck with that too, I can change it every 30 seconds if I want to. Do you actually realise how pitiful that post you put on here really is. There's no wonder the others told you not to post on here about it. You knew sod all about what had gone off over the years prior to that programming screw up, just went on accepting it thanklessly. Its like a school kid saying oh your not playing with my toys. Oh and delete this post / thread and ill repost it on every thread on this forum inside of 5 minutes, so dont even go down that road. You should know by now that "I am not the man ....... " rest deleted for those who have no wish to see this kind of talk on the forum. I apologise to all those who are offended by it. Now if you would care to read on you will see that all the things "between the lines" as you put it are fully and completely explained in exactly the same way as they were explained to Dar years back and yes I did hear your retort over wilco when Dar said "You'll never guess who Im talkin to over the phone", he sounded happy till after you opened your mouth, i heard it all.

Lol well thanks for that anyway Hookster. As it happens I know where to find sympathy already off you guys and that between Sh*t and Syphilis in the dictionary, i still remember.

Wouldn't make any use anyhow. Ive run most of the things I can think of to get PGA to talk to Kali but it just doesnt want to talk to it on my x64 based system. I cant even get a LAN game going in the house and that doesn't even involve using the net.

So your post is pretty much appreciated as was the email you sent me years back. As for seeing if you were seeing my speech at least it seems that part of it works so thanks for the info on that, now I have to look into why the game wont talk to Kali. It'll be some Microsoft bug as usual but thanks for letting me know at least the data streams going both ways in Kali now all I have to do is figure out why PGA wont communicate to Kali at all, hit the LAN button after starting a game it just jumps back to the main three options time after time. If I come up with a solution Ill post it for others.

As for playing with you, whats the point, lol I used to wup your ass nearly every game.

So no I wasnt looking for sympathy I was looking for answers to problems and at least one answers now been got so Ill keep you posted on any answers and its nice to hear from you. Pity Dar wont reply seeing as hes gotten so good at sorting stuff out and no its not sarcasm before you start its the truth. Have to say over the years of playing and chatting with him just because of a stupid program I wrote it screwed up a good friendship. Oh and Dar yes both the kids still have your pumpkin pictures and I am still alive contrary to a number of peoples wishes, sorry to disappoint. If you want to try and give me a hand with this link problem it would be appreciated but that's your call. Can do it covertly if wanted. Just email me on or on my business email,

Oh and specially for Dave I believe the traditional greeting was **** *** however I aint the old pete I was now. Ive spent years of learning and studying mainly for business qualifications and computer related stuff and have had little if any time with bringing my teenage daughter up. My sons gone to live with his mum due to a lack of facilities around us for his special educational needs and now my daughters left home with my granddaughter to start her own life off its left me with time to get back to doing what I used to do. So I may be the old pete, still as ugly and as for golf, I could probably still whip your butt, Ive kept in practice and some of the new courses I have to say are amazing.

Ive just had no time at all to play unfortunately. And until I can sort out this game to kali problem I still wont be able to play online.
Chronic Slicer
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Re: Adios and Fare thee well.

Post by Diguelo »

As for the rest Ill not bother posting it itll only send you all to sleep.

Anyway Dar if you would contact me please on my business email address then you dont have to tell Dave and he gets all upset and give me a hand to see if I can get this lobby program working now I have the server software sierra used years back.

I would appreciate the help as you know the game better than anyone and talk my language.

"Diguelo" (Banned off Teamspeak)
Chronic Slicer
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Re: Adios and Fare thee well.

Post by hookster »

Ok this will be my last post on this subject. First and foremost everyone got a good chuckle at your remark on helping design Teamspeak. That was funny. This is the kind of crap we had to listen to on a daily basis coming from the great one Pete the almighty computer god. If you were a designer you would have no problem getting on teamspeak. And since you are this computer god, then why do you need help from Dar getting your 64 bit to communicate with Kali? If you read one of my earlier posts it explaines an easy solution to the problem.

And on the comment that you were talking to Dar and overheard my conversation with him over wilco, well at the time we were using teamspeak. You see the problem with being a habitual liar is that your always back peddling to cover your own lies You should take notes as to when and what lie you told so you don`t forget. And for Gods sake don`t you dare blame me for the fact that Dar wants nothing more to do with you. You did that all on your own pal. Dave had nothing to do with making up his mind. He is a grown man and can make up his own mind.

And to close this out. The reason the guys asked me not to respond is that it was a waste of time. We kind of figured if I posted a reply that the bull would start flowing again. Suprise Suprise He`s back!!!!!! lol And yes Pete to make the almighty on happy I will throw you a bone. When I came on to golf you would beat me on a regular basis. I was new and you had Dar teaching you how to play. As time went on I pretty much think it evened out but who the hell cares lol. Not important to me Pete because unlike you I don`t need to stroke my ego.

Like I said before if anyone would like to get back on line and join our small group just drop me a line and I will do whatever I can to help you get up and going.
Chronic Slicer
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Re: Adios and Fare thee well.

Post by Diguelo »

Thanks for the "Computer God" title, a little over the top but thanks all the same.

Merry Christmas to one and all and a prosperous New Year.
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