Sound Frequency

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Sound Frequency

Post by DC#1 »

I'm wondering when you place sounds on a course about the frequency slide and where to put it. I haven't done sounds on my first 2 courses and decided it was time. So how does it work? the farther right you slide it the less you'll hear that sound? If you slide all the way to the left more often? Is there a ratio to time; for example all the way left you'll hear the sound every 5 seconds; in the middle every 30 seconds and so on. :shrug:
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Re: Sound Frequency

Post by SteveHorn »

DC!#1 Here's how I do it. First I generally don't like alot of real noisy things unless it adds to the realism of a certain area of the course. Example, I generally choose bird sounds that are'nt as loud as some. The exception in this instance would be seagulls around holes around a large body of water. In your libraries right click on any sound box to listen to it. To move a sound to your course hold down your left clicker and drag it to the area in your course you want. You can move it the same way once its on the course or listen to it again if needed. You may want to do your sounds before planting to avoid a conflict of tring to listen to a sound but clicking an object instead.
Once moved to where you want the sound right click and bring up the properties window. The default slider position is in the middle far left I beleive is less frequint and far right more often. I generally don't mess with the other features except some I increase the radius such as waves, planes or mowers and some times some others. Waves I usually move the slider to the left some so they are a little less frequent. Planes I move the slider even further left so you don't hear the plane in that area but once (hopefully). Insects or maybe a breezy sound or stream sound I move the slider all the way right and click the loop box on the left. This gives a more constant sound in that area. Thats about it except always when done with your sounds and always before closing your architect under the view column at the top click on it so the sounds are hidden on the map. This can avoid an issue that makes your sounds move out of place and avoid a redo. You can have more then one sound in the same area but avoid to many.
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Re: Sound Frequency

Post by DC#1 »

Thanks for the response Steve. I knew most of what you described but wasn't sure on the frequency slide. So the farther right you move it the sound will play more often,correct? As for loud noises I agree with you 100%. I like subtle noises. One more question, if for example the radius of the sound is 100 yds. will the sound be louder in the center and get gradually softer as you approach the outer edge, or is it a constant audio level as long as your inside the circle?
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Re: Sound Frequency

Post by A Brandt »

Good question DC! I've wondered the same thing.
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Re: Sound Frequency

Post by SteveHorn »

DC#!! It does seem to vary on proximity for most sounds.
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Re: Sound Frequency

Post by DC#1 »

Thanks for all the info Steve, much appreciated.
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