Attention Tincup

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Attention Tincup

Post by SteveHorn »

DAR! I have tried twice in the past week or so to reach you with private messages through this site. Did you get them and my players list ?
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Re: Attention Tincup

Post by tincup »

Well Steve, I have been sitting here trying to come up with some credible excuse for not handling this before now. I don't suppose you would buy into a story like "I was abducted by aliens and subjected to horrible scientific probing"... Naw, didn't think so. How about "I was kidnapped by Al Queda and held in the Afghan mountains for the past week!".... Naw, too much of a stretch. Ok, ok, looks like I have to just fess up... I blew it. :( I will work on it this morning.

By the way, I am going to take your suggestion and name the file

Sorry for the delay,

PS, This is what happens when you get old. You get the occassional brain f**t.
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Re: Attention Tincup

Post by SteveHorn »

What ! DAM'N Al Quelda has to screw around with our community.
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Re: Attention Tincup

Post by BrianZ111 »

Well you're not alone, after you e-mailed me that Indy's last course was ready I completely forgot about it until she PMed me about 5 days later.

I will get this on the website tomorrow night and if I don't then send me an angry e-mail. :laugh:
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Re: Attention Tincup

Post by Indy Anna Jones »

The United Tiger Woods Haters of America got him. Greyson is next. :mad:
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Re: Attention Tincup

Post by BrianZ111 »

It's up now.
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Re: Attention Tincup

Post by JaxDuffer »

Are these players using their stats are did you adjust the file to be harder/easier?
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Re: Attention Tincup

Post by SteveHorn »

JaxDuffer ! Most ( NOT ALL) players are based on there real stroke averages over the last 2 seasons. Example #1,if a player avg. last season was 70.5 and this season was 70.0 his current avg would be 70.25 But the rest of there stats are based on this past season. Sometimes a player has a hugh difference in avg from one season to the next so thats the main reason I use the past 2 seasons to base there avg. on. If there is a big difference I ussually edge it just a tad towards the current seasons avg. Example #2 player avg. last season was 71.5 and this season 70.2 thats a big 1.3 strokes difference and his avg would be about 70.8. Some Asian players I have to guess on an avg. Also there are about 10 players who have only 1 season on tour or won a tournament in there first season. There are about 235 players on the list
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