The Cliffs at Stone Forest by Wagers-Grayson [New Course]

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The Cliffs at Stone Forest by Wagers-Grayson [New Course]

Post by BrianZ111 »

Course: The Cliffs at Stone Forest (38 MB)
Type: Fictional, Mountain
Designer: Wagers-Grayson
Date: 7/30/2011
Images: Sp, #1, #9, #14, #18
Libraries Used: barrenhills, cliffs, coosbay, cypress, glen_haven_lib1, monticellomisc, pebblebeach, rdwsounds, woodfordpark, stone_forest_lib
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Re: The Cliffs at Stone Forest by Wagers-Grayson [New Course

Post by tincup »

Let me be the first to say congratulations Terry. You really outdid yourself on this one. I would say Bob Wagers has to be pleased with how it turned out.

This is just a spectacular course. The course features massive cliff formations every where. The views are photo-realistic and breathtaking. The hair raising drops will test your game too... 60 to 70 yards in some cases.

As with most courses, you can score well here if you keep it on or near the fairway. But hit one of those rock formations (like I did), heaven only knows where you will end up.

Fantastic course, or as the magicman put it "extraordinary". Download it... you won't be disappointed.

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Re: The Cliffs at Stone Forest by Wagers-Grayson [New Course

Post by hookster »

First off I want to say beauty as always you 2.Typical Wagers/Grayson design. super design. Downloaded it this morn and played 18 holes on a/d/b. Front nine I shot a - 10 with a par on 9 and missed an eagle on 5 by 2 inches grrr. lol Back 9 was a little tougher only shot a - 8 with a par on 11. So I guess my question is when does the tougher version come out lol. I am just kidding guys it was a real pleasure to play. I just got lucky.
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Re: The Cliffs at Stone Forest by Wagers-Grayson [New Course

Post by Terry Grayson »

Thanks Dar and Dave for the kind comments... I enjoyed building this course.. As Dar said, keep it in fairway and there are easy scoring opportunities.... Dave, um *cough* I played it last night on Long Dry and Strong and shot -18 without using any setup!!!!! Put that in your pipe LOL.........

Thanks again fellas....I had a blast on this one...Got some great ideas I will be trying soon, plus got the other one I was working on to finish....Thanks again to Robert for asking me to build this course for him....Honored
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Re: The Cliffs at Stone Forest by Wagers-Grayson [New Course

Post by sandwedge »

Thanks Terry and Robert for the hard work. No time to play or review yet but I did want to say thanks - from the pictures I have seen and the test walk I took it looks fantastic - really immersive and that is saying something with the outdated graphics that the PGA engine forces upon designers.

Edit: I finally got around to playing a few times. I loved the views of the course as I made my way around. I had no trouble with playing out of the rough or sand - not sure but I think that is because it is not as punishing as other textures on other courses. I thought the sounds were realistic enough although a little bit of the same thing over and over. I scored between -2 and -9 for the rounds I played - a little bit on the easy side for me as I usually do slightly worse than that. I really liked the way the pano and the textures blended - just wish I could have seen the pano a bit more. I do not think you could make this course any better - absolutely perfect and close to replacing Arrowhead as my all-time favorite course for PGA 2000. Again, I say thanks a whole bunch - a definite keeper!
Last edited by sandwedge on August 4th, 2011, 8:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Cliffs at Stone Forest by Wagers-Grayson [New Course

Post by Stan Nehilla »

I'm amazed and almost speechless.
This is the BEST.
Thanks Wage & Terry
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Re: The Cliffs at Stone Forest by Wagers-Grayson [New Course

Post by Polslad »

U have played my last 4 tournament round here, and agree with everything said so far.
The course plays easier that it first looks, once you work out what club you need to put you in position, allowing for the elevation differences.
The tee to fairway carry is a little daunting on the 'Wagers Pass' hole, and I have had to take a couple of drops at the side of a fairway on one of t he par 5's, after the big drop second shot (is it the 12th), when I have been in the rough, but told I'm out of bounds!
Apart from that, it's everything you expect with a course from Terry.
I really don't know where he gets his patience from, but it's to the clubs' benefit that he does.
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Re: The Cliffs at Stone Forest by Wagers-Grayson [New Course

Post by Terry Grayson »

Thanks folks..

You know the more I play, the more I realize, this course ended up being WAY too easy... I guess I got caught up in the asthetics/looks and didnt toughen er up!!!!

David....On "Wagers Pass" yeah pretty tough driving hole.... It was a hole I didnt change from Roberts design (well the tee area) I totally redid the rest of the hole...

Thanks for the comments...Always learn from mistakes from the fine folks and will try again soon....Already got 9 built on the next course.....
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Re: The Cliffs at Stone Forest by Wagers-Grayson [New Course

Post by spencerturner »

WOW, this course should be entitled "Intimidation". That's the feeling I got from the very first tee. Its sort of how I think other NFL teams feel when they face the Pittsburg Steelers for the first time. The extreme elevations here would make Robert@ blush. Some of the holes have rather narrow landing areas depending on how far you can drive it off the tee. Like every one else has commented, if you can keep it off the rocks and in the fairways , it plays well. Not easy , but well. I liked the plantings, all though a little sparse. Especially liked the white birch trees . Also the rock walls surrounding the water features and the creative sinage was kool. I liked the layout and the sudden change of views . Example, you are surrounded by cliffs on all sides for 3 or 4 holes in succession and then suddenly you are out in the open which is a nice change of pace. # 5 is a real bear with a blind shot form the tee. # 14 was my favorite par 3 with the rock formation and the water. The greens as always from this designer are very well done. They look good and they put true with no spikes. Would have liked to see a few more features on the tees , ballwashers, wastebackets, benches, etc. for a little "punch" but just a personal opinion. I understand this was a joint effort between Wagers and Grayson and the course reflects their combined talents. Certainly deserves to be on anyones "A" List. Thank you gentlemen. Spencer.
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Re: The Cliffs at Stone Forest by Wagers-Grayson [New Course

Post by Parrothead »

Wow! Took me a few goes before I could get past the 4th hole. I got lost somewhere in the rocks/grass at one side, couldn't find my way out. Finally used a 3W off the tee to solve that problem. Final hole, third shot from up above looking down to the green, stunning. Thanks!
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