Missing Library...Library Not Installed

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shot meister
Chronic Slicer
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Missing Library...Library Not Installed

Post by shot meister »

Attached is a picture of the project properties for an old architect file I found. On the bottom of the list of libraries used there is the one that is not installed. Is there any documentation from the author of the CL Tool for deciphering what all these letter and numbers: DE9669F7-C05C-11D3-B8E1-444553540000? On the web site for Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08, you can enter the letters and numbers from the project properties for a missing library and it will look it up and if it is available for download will put up a link to download it. I don't know if this function is available on this site.

Thanks for any help!
Missing Library.jpg
(65.54 KiB) Not downloaded yet
Chronic Slicer
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Re: Missing Library...Library Not Installed

Post by Diguelo »

Generally PGA 2000 requires a file name rather than a Hex Key. I know library files worked in the transition from PGA2000 to TW 2003 and 2005. After that they swapped the format over and you had to convert libraries over using the EA install tool.

The file may be corrupt and as such a reinstall or redownload may put the situation right.
shot meister
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Re: Missing Library...Library Not Installed

Post by shot meister »

Thanks for the reply. I guess I am out of luck on finding out what library is missing from the architect file! I see you did a few courses for Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2003. How come you did not design any for Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08? If you are interested, I can help. Just send me a PM.
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Re: Missing Library...Library Not Installed

Post by BrianZ111 »

Did a search in my registry and found this key to be associated with TheCountryClub2. Pretty much the only way to find out is to search the registry for someone who happens to have it installed. We don't have an index of keys for all libraries anywhere.
shot meister
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Re: Missing Library...Library Not Installed

Post by shot meister »

Thanks Brian. By registry, I assume you mean the one on your computer. Is there a certain key to look for so that I can do a search myself?

Also, I would gladly download the missing library, however, I get this message when I go to download it: "404: Lost Ball (Not Found)". I have tried to download a course and get the same message. This has been going on for a few days.
Chronic Slicer
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Re: Missing Library...Library Not Installed

Post by KSBC6499 »

Hello,I checked on my end also get the 404 lost ball message on all files,so its not just you. If for some reason it doesnt come back online soon I most likely have that Countryclub2 libary on a disc. I can send that to you if you want.
Kent (KSBC6499)
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Re: Missing Library...Library Not Installed

Post by BrianZ111 »

It's not something that would have worked for you because you don't have the library installed. I just searched the Windows registry (regedit) for the key you said was missing (DE9669F7-C05C-11D3-B8E1-444553540000) and since I had it installed it found it and the name of the library is listed as part of the key.

As for the other problem with the website, all of the zip files on the website appear to be gone. I've put a message into my hosting's technical support but it looks like I probably won't hear back until Monday. I'm not holding my breath, we may have to reupload everything. Dar did the uploading of courses to the site originally and I never downloaded them all. I probably only have about 500 of them downloaded to my computer. So unless someone here as all of them, we may be in some trouble. I am away from home until the end of the week so I won't really be able to do much about it right now.
Chronic Slicer
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Re: Missing Library...Library Not Installed

Post by KSBC6499 »

If something doesnt work out on your server, I believe i have all the courses and libraries on discs from the beginning up until a certain point,but Im not sure of what that point is. Ill have to do a bit of looking. hopefully the 500 you have are more recent. Update- it seems the latest course I have is Bayview 9/21/06 and Jubillee library 12/19/06, I should have all the courses before then
Kent (KSBC6499)
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Re: Missing Library...Library Not Installed

Post by BrianZ111 »

Thanks Kent, I'm certain that will help but probably not get us all the way. I only have everything from since Dar was no longer able to do it which I guess was around 2018. Before that I only have the ones that interested me, which is probably all of the real ones and maybe that many again fictional ones that were high end courses from great designers. Even there I'm probably missing some important really good ones.

All of this is on hold until I get back next week. I'm getting to the point where I'm too busy to run this site anymore, but I hope that doesn't have to mean the end of it. If people can either help out or just be patient when something breaks, we'll keep it going.
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Re: Missing Library...Library Not Installed

Post by SteveHorn »

To All
You should check this out. Brian near the bottom of this is a small box (Tips) with 2 websites to help.
https://www.lifewire.com/404-not-found- ... ed-2622936
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