Ball behavior coefficients

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Re: Ball behavior coefficients

Post by DC#1 »

When you add textures and objects from and existing library do the coefficients transfer over or do you have to put all the numbers in? Also, do you need the top, shadow etc for it to work?
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Re: Ball behavior coefficients

Post by BrianZ111 »

You'll just get the game default coefficients if you don't change them in a new library. There's no way to know what the original library used. If you were trying to match them you'd have to just guess and check.

It works without the top image but it won't look as nice in the architect or on the map view in the game. I believe you'll get a thumbnail of the full tree on those views instead. For top I usually just took a cropping of the top of the tree, duplicated it and mirrored it alongside so it turned the top into a somewhat symmetrical image.

It also works without the shadow but you won't get a shadow cast by the tree in game then. For shadow I would turn the original image to grayscale and then add some blur to it to blur the edges a little.
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Re: Ball behavior coefficients

Post by DC#1 »

Thanks for the info on the topview and shadow. Good to know.
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Re: Ball behavior coefficients

Post by DC#1 »

what size should the top and shadow view be? 50 x 50?
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Re: Ball behavior coefficients

Post by J.J. »

I've still got all my old original library objects from Mayfield Manor including all the shadows, tops, tiny versions etc. Looks like I did all my tops at 100 x 100 whilst the shadows are of varying sizes in relation to the size of the object. For example I've got a tree that's 796 x 1011 with a shadow version at 523 x 574. I don't think many designers really bothered with top versions of anything apart from trees.

It's nearly 20 years since I did that kind of stuff and I've long since forgotten the science behind it :bg:
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Re: Ball behavior coefficients

Post by DC#1 »

Thanks for the quick reply. Good to see another "old timer" around. Still trying to figure how to do top and shadow as I don't have photoshop. Thanks the the image sizes.
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Re: Ball behavior coefficients

Post by BrianZ111 »

Checking in on my objects form The Ridges it looks like my tops are all between 100 and 200 pixels width and height and I made the shadows half the size as the original object. So I, for example, turned a 700 x 1024 tree into a 350 x 512 shadow. Yeah, I don't think there's any need to make a top or shadow for small things like grass objects.
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Re: Ball behavior coefficients

Post by DC#1 »

Thanks, I will make them in that range.
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