Glen Haven by Adam Brandt [Contest Course]

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Glen Haven by Adam Brandt [Contest Course]

Post by BrianZ111 »

Course: Glen Haven (18.9 MB)
Type: Fictional, Oceanside
Designer: Adam Brandt
Date: 12/4/2010
Images: #3, #9, Splash
Libraries Used: coyotebluff, glen_haven_lib1, glen_haven_lib2, glen_haven_lib3
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Re: Glen Haven by Adam Brandt [Contest Course]

Post by bryce »

First of all, I just want to mention that these custom textures that Adam has created are definitely going to be used again. The blends are perfect and the rough, tees, fairways, etc., look like you are really at the course. The course itself is a beauty! It starts off in the middle of the dunes, then makes it's way through some heavily wooded areas, then juts back out to seaside! It keeps you guessing. It has a great layout and is very eye catching. A very unique course.

The only things I can say that would be bad, is the pano leaves the water looking a little jagged. That's it.

My Thoughts
Loved it! It's like a private resort course that you would only get to play in real life if you either know somebody on the inside, or won the lottery and purchased a membership. I enjoyed my round and will be going back again. After playing all of the other designers courses one time each, this is the only one that I broke par on (-1). My favorite hole was the 3rd, a long brut of a par 3.

Great job Adam, your best course yet!
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A Brandt
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Re: Glen Haven by Adam Brandt [Contest Course]

Post by A Brandt »

Thanks Doron! I tried several things to get rid of that jagged horizon, but I could not find a solution. You should be concentrating on your golf shot anyway, not gazing at the beautiful scenery! :bg:
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Re: Glen Haven by Adam Brandt [Contest Course]

Post by Craigus10 »

Another great course, Adam.

Right from the first tee, you can just see how well made and beautiful the course looks. The blending work on the course is fantastic. Lush green textures give the course a nice contrast from the sand and dunes which surround it on some holes. Very good layout as the course meanders around from the dunes to the forest and back.

Bonus points for coming up with new libraries, and as Doron said, they will probably be used quite a few times more.

Well done
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Indy Anna Jones
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Re: Glen Haven by Adam Brandt [Contest Course]

Post by Indy Anna Jones »

A jagged horizon can sometimes be resolved by changing the horizon distance.

Go to Options -> Course -> horizon distance, then increase or decrease the distance accordingly until the "jagged sky" is gone. :idea:
(Of course changing it one place may make it jagged at another, since it's simply cutting off objects at that point.)
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Re: Glen Haven by Adam Brandt [Contest Course]

Post by bryce »

A Brandt wrote: You should be concentrating on your golf shot anyway, not gazing at the beautiful scenery! :bg:
I couldn't help it. It was so pretty!
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Re: Glen Haven by Adam Brandt [Contest Course]

Post by Terry Grayson »

Glen Haven: Terry Grayson

Well it has been so long since I fired this game up, but seeing as though the contest courses were complete I decided I would give these
nice courses and once over and see how good you cats all are :)

Anyway, I opened this course up and immediately on the first hole I thought WOW! The terrain work caught my eye and I thought, ok Im
going to like this one. Reminds me of something like I would build with all that terrain work! (But better than me lol)

So some thoughts

Global Terrain: Of course Bryan gets the credit here with the plot, just an outstanding locale Bryan picked for you guys to use. The global elevations are just
great overall, and you can Tell Adam really used the terrain to his advantage on his holes.

Local Terrain : WOW, this is absoulutely outstanding work by Adam here. The mounds, hills, valleys, burms, everything is just absoultely top notch here. Great work

Greensites: I am a big fan of Adams greensites...He always goes a magnificent job framing the hole and greensite with the surroundings. It was no
different on this course. These greens are smooth and have ample movement to them. The par 5 greens hold the approach shots nicely. and the rest are just good too!
Nice work

Tee shots: I always look at the tee shots, the approach view and the greensite views...The tee areas are very pretty and picturesque...Beautiful course too look at...
and one of my pet peeves are flat tee boxes and these are flat....

Librarys and textures: Wow what can i say here. The blends are just top notch and the use of the textures is magnificent... Outstanding work here. People will be using
this set for a long time coming. Heck the moment I saw them I was thinking (Hey another set to use like i used on LInks at Rugged Dunes)....Great work

Overall I had a great time on this beautiful course. the planting is top notch as well I cant leave that out.... I dont know where Adam came from but I believe he has fast become one of the better designers for this game...

I guess if I had to pick on thing to "Nitpick" it would be this: For me, who is deadly with a set of computer clubs) the tee shots were much to easy... It seems like the
landing areas on most holes between 270 and 300 were just wide open with maybe a bunker on each side of the wide landing area. Please dont take it the wrong way, it took absolutely not one bit of enjoyment out of the course for me, but I did notice it. I gripped and ripped on most holes without fear of hitting a bunker.... Pinch some of these fairways in some in areas (Noticed you did on like 11 or 12 (I think) put a cross bunker in around clicker distance (260-275) and a bunker or three to catch those monster Dar-type drivers 270-320.... Give these rascals something to think about on the tee box in stead of standing up there mashing it as far as they can...LOL...

Check out Duncans course for some ideas on design construction for landing areas, he has always been great at that...You can tell (even if he does it subconsiously) he has the clickers, tru swingers and recrees in mind by placing bunkers at the perfect location, tempting us to try for a few more yards and go across them or lay up.... Like I said took nothing away at all from this great course...As a matter of fact one of the better ones I have played in a good while..

Outstanding Job Mr Brandt, I loved this course.....
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Re: Glen Haven by Adam Brandt [Contest Course]

Post by sandwedge »


Thanks for this course :) I gave you high marks for the libraries included with the course - they are tremendous! I liked the way you portrayed the terrain. The only negatives I had were: 1. no practice facillities, 2. golfers default set up is past the tee markers - illegal in real life :) and 3. the pano was a little jagged in spots. My favorite hole was the par four 17th which I thought provided a great challenge as well as a great look. I will be keeping this course!
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A Brandt
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Re: Glen Haven by Adam Brandt [Contest Course]

Post by A Brandt »

Thanks for the comments everyone! As far as the golfer being past the tee markers, I try to place the teeing spot far enough back to see the markers in my screen. Maybe it's too far though, or I should space the markers closer together.
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Re: Glen Haven by Adam Brandt [Contest Course]

Post by spencerturner »

Adam, another great supprise. I agree with everything Terry said in his review, to comment further would just be redundant. Wonderful job Adam, and thanks for you dedication to detail and your hard work. Another real keeper. Spencer.
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